'Advice to people at the beginning of their careers:
Do not imagine that you have to know everything before you can do anything. My own best work was done when I was ignorant. Grab every opportunity to take responsibility and do things for which you are unqualified.'
-Freeman Dyson
(quantum physicist)
xxx love you.
Was the message I found.
Sent to me by one of my dearest friends who I met years ago when we were allocated a shoebox to share in student housing.
From all accounts, a situation that ends up in extreme feelings of either love or hate.
Love, thankfully.
Is what we ended up with.
These particular words have come from a position of someone going through a time of emotional upheaval and so mean all the more because of it.
Lately I've been thinking a lot about, and missing those closest to me. Of my closest girlfriends only two of them are in the same city, and whilst that does not seem so bad - when life is happening it somehow becomes a very long way!
I see things that remind me of one, think ridiculous natter that can only be reciprocated by another and am presently making a gift for another, where each and every stitch reminds me of her.
It is so wonderful to be surrounded by friends (albeit in a technological way) and family that understand exactly the trials that you are going through. Even so much to the point that I don't think my shoe box friend and I have discussed this exact problem that often blocks people from unleashing their true desires, stopping them from trying something new.
But somehow she knows it anyway.
The thinking that you have to know it all before you begin.
Is it that we are afraid that we won't be as sophisticated, as knowledgeable as those that we aspire to be like?
It was a plague in my house for a long time.
But I have embraced my choices and delved the depths of the process that has lead me through the darkness and into this point in time.
They say it is darkest before the dawn... but they never say anything about it feeling like forever.
But the mysterious and almighty 'they' that know everything about the universe will not tell you things that you need to learn for yourself.
It's a process through which I have learnt to have patience with my natural human insecurities and finally I feel like I can see the light.
Maybe I can't see the light itself,
But I can make out it's warmth radiating from over the horizon, beyond the back of yonder.
At this point I know the sunrise is still a long way away,
But I am at peace with this.
Sometimes all it takes is for someone to say it aloud, for us to see the shimmering hope of dawn.